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F.F. Is Where the F stands for...

I'm sorry you guys, but my hubs rocks. I'm tempted to go so far as to say...my husband rocks harder than yours does. (ladies) and...is better than you guys.(dudes)...yep.

Insight #2:Thanks to the snow and one derp driver who slammed on his breaks in front of me, my car is stranded in a ditch. It's my punishment for attempting to get to work. Pft. Won't try that again...

That's my car. I couldn't get pulled out because I was scared to make the 10 min drive back home. I was half way between work and home and I chickened out. I couldn't bring myself to admit out loud I was too scared to try. So I left my car there. Cyrus spent the night in a cold dark ditch because I'm a baby.

On top of that, I called the hubs to come get me and we got lost on the way home because we couldn't get through that spot. (too many cars had gone off road) So a 10 minute drive turned into an hour.

And then, I get home and had to wash poo out of one cats butt fur. (TMI? Yea. Was for me too.)

But, I guess it could have been worse...

This week I found a mashup of 2 awesome things that I love for some, weird, inexplicable reason.
Fred & iCarly!

In a rut? This guy can help. (profanity.)

Cutest kitteh evah! (I always wanted a scottish fold!)

Lastly, a prank.

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

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