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All by myself

I would consider myself a social butterfly, the definition of a chatty Cathy. I love making plans with friends, chatting on the phone, catching up over drinks, visiting friends, going on dates, etc. I also love watching movies with my family and having dinner with family, and I sure do love a good party. 

However, I also really like being alone. 

I am completely happy and OK with being by myself. I don't really ever admit this, but sometimes I intentionally make no plans with anyone for an entire weekend just so I can have time to myself. During that time, I'll go for coffee, get my favorite takeout, do laundry, clean, watch movies, work on my blog, send e-mails, get a mani/pedi, walk Mac, etc. Often, I will even put my phone on do-not-disturb so I can't be reached by anyone. To me, it is so refreshing. It's not to say that I don't enjoy the company of others, but sometimes I just need the time to myself. Some of my favorite parts of the weekends are just sitting with my coffee and reading. 

Do you ever feel this way? I'm hoping I'm not the only weirdo ;) Have a fabulous day! 


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