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Fox's New Sport SKYBALL

Post Represents: 271 Friday, June 17, 2011

Today I tried out for Fox's new sport SKYBALL. They called the tryout to put together a team to compete against 3 or 4 other teams across the country. Also for television purposes of course.

I saw the ad on Craig's List, submitted and was picked on Day 264 Friday, June 10, 2011.
I attended today, had a great time and I'm sure I made an impression. 

SkyBall is similar to Basketball but not quite. For further details on the sport check out: http://www.dtkaustin.com/fox-sports-sky-ball-league-behind-the-scenes/

My Lifebook classmate Kelly was also there. On Tuesday (June 14, 2011) we both had the same call back and auditioned around the same time. Coincidentally, we found out we were going to be here today. Hanging with her made the experience much more enjoyable. 

Motown Maurice doing lunges in preparation for the try out. 

Video by Daniel D A Allen (D A)   - Later added on 6/28/11 

Motown Maurice and Liam Sullivan Stone

Motown Maurice at the Los Angeles SkyBall tryouts.

Motown Maurice and the ladies of SkyBall

SkyBall tryouts.

Motown Maurice & Kelly S. Holding it down at the Los Angeles SkyBall tryouts.

Motown Maurice & Kelly looking good at SkyBall tryouts.

The SkyBall winning team.

 Sebastian, Motown Maurice & DJ 
Motown Maurice & Kelly S.

Motown Maurice was at SkyBall.

Motown Maurice gives SkyBall a piece of his mind and points out his blood wound.  

I wasn't going to to say anything to the camera before I left but one of the producers came up to me and asked me personally. That's the only reason I did and I'm glad I was asked.

My SkyBall injury 3 days after the tryouts.

Final Thoughts

Today's tryouts took place at the Los Angeles Sports Arena.The last time I was there was for the X-Factor auditions. X-Factor was an epic fail but this was a "So Close But No Cigar," scenario. Out of 100 people or so, I made it to the top 20 then got cut.

Right before I got cut, I played a game called SkyBall Skittles. I'm cool with getting cut but that game was bogus. 5 or more people on the production team were throwing SkyBall everywhere and we had to grab them and hit the score board. In the process, I go hit seriously hard in my own balls and through the pain I stood tall and finished the game.

Kelly had a rough start but later took route towards SkyBall great underdog story but unfortunately got cut a little before me. For both us it was disappointing but it certainly didn't hang over heads. We had a Dodger game to attend to.

Since I always give over 100% my energy did drop for a while but I was fully replenished by the end of the weekend. At the same time I entered a state of deep thought which partly inspired the title of week 39 title: It's Time to Break The Cycle. In another words, I've had many, "Close But No Cigar, situations and its time to break that cycle.

I'm not going to waste anymore energy by saying I should of made the team. That's not important and its a thing of the past. I will say the majority of the people around me thought I was a shoe in. Several people approached me and told me that they heard the producers talking about me. The cameras were in my direction often and many of the producers called me out by name. The instant notoriety really isn't very uncommon for me lately.

Through grapevine, someone told someone that later told me I needed to have my own show. I don't think that person new anything about me. It was probably my Kung Fu style warm and preparations that made those people think these things. A few people were video taping me because of that. Two guys pulled out their phone to record me and introduce me as Kung Fu Negro. 

One of the most memorable moments is when a guy named Sebastian in the picture above went bananas when my number was called for elimination. He literally shouted, "No he can't go. Please don't go, we need you..."

Through it all, I am grateful for the experience.

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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