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Take a 'Mommy Time Out' For You!

Being a mother has endless rewards, it also can be a very exhausting process from day one. The excitement of having a new baby can carry you through the first year of their lives, but once they become full fledged toddlers, you may need a nap just like they do. Taking a time out during the day for yourself is absolutely necessary as the years go by.

taking this time out may come in the form of many methods. For some, a simple twenty minute power nap may be all you need to revamp your mind and body for what the rest of teh day has to bring your way. Others that perhaps have difficulty sleeping during the day can get involved in other activities such as reading a book for a bit in a quiet area, or taking a jog around the neighborhood. You may be thinking, "I don't have time for that or I have no one to help with the baby to do those things". This is a normal reaction and all mothers sacrifice themselves for their children at some point during life. Instead of making excuses, find a way to get in your quiet time each day with your personal circumstances. If you have two hours a day when your kids are napping or watching a movie, then use that time wisely. When your spouse comes home for the day, ask that they help get this quiet time in for you and they can attend tot he kids while you take a break. It is not selfish and it can be necessary to keep the sanity alive. Most mothers would agree that when they return to their maternal duties for the rest of the day they are happy to be with their kids, and have a much more pleasant attitude for the rest of the evening.

Make a schedule of things you wish to do if you had the free time. Some moms want to take exercise classes, others want a day at the spa or to join a good book club nearby. These are all realistic desires for any mother, and those around you should be able to help you obtain those goals. Think about maybe taking a online class three days a week in something you really value, or a Saturday morning pottery class may be more of your style. Regardless of what your interests are, you deserve to take a break and caring for kids is a very challenging job. Your children will thank you for being a healthier mom and you will sleep at night better and also feel more relaxed throughout the day. Try it out for one week or even a month, and see the difference taking time for you can make!

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