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Freehand Snowmen Nails

Another recreation..

Hi guys and welcome to the weekend! So you know how I said I'd been practising my freehand nail art, and have done a few posts on recreating mani's from last year. Well thanks to the Facebook time hop, where you are shown photos you posted years ago, I was shown my first ever attempt at freehand nails inspired by Simply Rins. Back in 2012, although I was painting my nails I wasn't blogging, so had forgotten about this mani, even Simply Rins shared it on her Facebook page.. I can't believe this was 4 years ago!!
So not only have I done this mani again, but I done a photo tutorial too.
I applied 2 coats of Barry M Mist and added a matte topcoat, as acrylic paint works better with a matte base.
With my Boan Crystal liner brush and black acrylic paint, make the snowman outline. It's doesn't matter if some lines are thicker than others, as they will get covered.
With white acrylic paint fill in the head and body. Paint a carrot nose shape with black paint.
Paint the band on the hat a colour of your choice, I used red, filled in the scarves with different colours and added the orange for the nose.
For the final touches, add eyes, a smiley mouth and white stripes to each scarf.
Topcoat smooths the acrylic paint and really finishes this mani off beautifully.

One of the biggest freehand mani's I've ever done and boy has my practice paid off! I absolutely love love love these.
Hope you've enjoyed this post, and maybe inspired you to try this mani too :)
Stay safe and much love...

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